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The various video formats

January 1, 2024

Once again this year, video is THE format to bet on when publishing on social networks. But as you'll have noticed, each platform has its own specificities. That's why it's important to think carefully beforehand about the format of your video, so that it adapts perfectly to the platform on which you'll be posting it. At Kazam! we've made it easy for you, and put together a quick summary of everything you need to know before you get started!


A platform where video is the leader, YouTube is known for its long formats. Indeed, on this social network, a video generally lasts 15 minutes.

Format: 16:9, the classic

Designed for watching your video on the computer

Maximum length: 12h

Format: 4:5, designed for mobile

Designed to watch your video on mobile without Youtube cropping it.

Warning: if it's less than 60 seconds long, it will turn into a "Short" and you won't have the right format!

Maximum length: 12h

Format: 9:16, the new kid on the block

Designed specifically for shorts, Youtube's new format.

Duration: 3 to 60 seconds.


A star of social networks, it will be the most downloaded application in 2021. On TikTok, there's only one watchword: short format.

Our little tip: when making your video, don't forget to take into account the information that will appear on the screen when your video is published. That's why we advise you to group your important information in the center of your video.

Format 9:16

Maximum length: 10 minutes


Video is surely the most effective tool on Instagram, and the social network has understood this. Between feeds, reels and video feeds, the application is multiplying its options. We'll help you find your way around:

Square format (1:1):

Often used in carousels.

Maximum length: 60 seconds

9:16 format:

Used for Reels, the 9:16 format is also being democratized directly in the Instagram feed. It's also the format used in stories.

Our tip: remember to take into account the biography of your Reels, which will encroach on the bottom of your content.

Maximum Reels duration: 60 seconds

Maximum story length: 15 seconds

4:3 format

The classic format, with the same dimensions as a photo post.

Maximum length: 60 minutes.


On Snapchat, the most classic ad format is SnapAds. In the form of an image or video, it appears between or after users' snaps and stories.

Format: 9:16

Like TikTok and Instagram, remember to free up the top and bottom of your screen, as this is where your "profile" button and CTA (if you have one) are located.

Duration: from 3 seconds to 3 minutes.


The Facebook News Feed includes news and posts from your friends, Pages, groups and advertisers. You can now scroll through a video-only feed.

Image ratio: 16:9, 9:16 or 1:1

With biography and information (duration, sound, account, etc.) outside the video field, you can think more freely about your content.

Maximum length: 241 minutes

As you can see, in 2022, all social networks are betting on video, and we love it!

Need help with your video production and your creative strategy for your social networks? Contact us at contact@kazamprod.com!

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  • video
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  • format