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Social media trends 2024

May 28, 2024

In this article, we reveal the social networking trends for 2024, ranked in order of importance. This will enable you to identify the network best suited to your needs to excel in 2024.


Facebook is undergoing a major transformation, currently experiencing a sharp decline in engagement for brands. Figures for 2023 show that average interactions on Facebook have fallen by almost 50%.

Another notable change for Facebook is the marked increase in the number of Reels publications, which have seen their engagement rise by 33%.

This data shows that Facebook is in decline, with Reels the only publication still generating engagement on the platform. Brands seem to have understood this change and are investing less and less in Facebook, preferring the other social networks available.


Despite a drop in impressions for Twitter accounts, reducing the reach of their content, interactions have increased.Overall, the frequency of publication on X has picked up after a decline last year, and content production is now consistent. Similarly, engagement is on an upward curve. So, even if impressions have fallen, the rise in engagement compensates for this loss. There may be less visibility, but the people reached are interacting more.

In this way, the network continues to evolve from Twitter to X. Despite a drop in impressions, X makes up for this loss with its effectiveness in boosting engagement. This is the network for you if you're looking to increase your reputation and stimulate exchanges with your customers.


For Pinterest, the evolution is positive, with a 32% increase in the engagement rate, mainly thanks to clicks to external links. Pinterest has thus moved away from its image as a simple discovery platform, becoming an excellent means of generating traffic to your websites.

Interaction is also on the rise on this platform, centered on users and content prompting action, leading to a 17.4% increase in the engagement rate.

Pinterest is increasingly positioning itself as a springboard for direct purchasing, with its integrated buying features. To succeed in your communication on Pinterest, it's essential to create highly visual pins, as visual quality is what sets you apart on this platform.


Instagram continues to do well, with a trend away from classic publications towards Reels.

Instagram stories are as successful as ever, with reach and impressions on the rise, particularly for larger accounts. This format, which has the highest frequency of publication on the platform, is booming, especially among smaller accounts.

Interactions followed this trend: a drop for classic publications and a rise for Reels.

The balance sheet for Instagram in 2024 is therefore that stories and Reels are becoming unavoidable. Reels, in particular, are attracting more engagement from the public, while stories are appreciated by all types of accounts, even the smallest.


The general trend on YouTube is upwards, with an overall increase in posting frequency, particularly for the big channels, where the increase is 27% compared to 2022. Despite this progression, interaction with the public has become more tentative.

Impressions have exploded, increasing by 69.46%, indicating greater visibility on the platform.

In 2024 on YouTube, it's therefore vital to focus on long, high-quality content, as well as good upstream promotion to generate more interaction with your audience.


TikTok continues to evolve positively, especially for large accounts. It's still the easiest network on which to grow, even for accounts just starting out. All types of content creators, even the smallest, enjoy a high level of engagement. For larger accounts, this engagement is even greater, and is accompanied by a high rate of interaction.

There has been a shift in the length of videos, which tend to get longer and longer, especially on larger accounts. Videos are longer but fewer in number than before, showing a trend towards publishing less content, but of better quality.

It is therefore in the interest of creators to continue in this direction and post more effective videos to continue engaging audiences.


Twitch is evolving nicely, with an explosion in the number of videos viewed.

Smaller accounts are posting less frequently, while larger accounts are posting slightly more frequently. This trend shows that creators are turning to less frequent, higher-quality content. In the same direction, videos are getting longer and longer, especially for the big accounts that dominate in terms of video length, frequency of broadcast and number of views.

Twitch is increasingly establishing itself among streaming platforms, with a trend towards higher-quality content. So our advice to brands, as with YouTube and TikTok, is to prioritize content quality over quantity.


At the start of 2024, LinkedIn had 29 million members in France, representing a 20% increase over the period between 2022 and 2024. This growth testifies to the dynamism of this network.

LinkedIn is a quality network that has seen an exceptional rise in the number of impressions, interactions and shares (+3000%). More and more viral content is being shared en masse on this platform. The frequency of publication has also increased, especially for larger accounts. Smaller accounts, on the other hand, publish less frequently, but their level of engagement is rising steadily.

Interactions have also evolved remarkably, with an increase of 141%, testifying to the active engagement of the LinkedIn audience. This trend is partly due to LinkedIn's powerful algorithm, which encourages this participation.

This shows that LinkedIn is a network for the future, attracting more and more audiences and engagement. This evolution shows once again that the public is turning to more qualitative and relevant content. Less content, but more sharing, with a diversity of account sizes: LinkedIn offers everyone a place and focuses more on content and interaction rather than recruitment, as was previously the case.

A strong overall trend emerges from all these individual network analyses: audiences are increasingly attracted to longer, higher-quality content. The way people consume content is changing, so it's vital for brands to follow this trend and meet audience expectations in order to continue to perform on social networks and stand out from the crowd.

At Kazam! we're here to help brands achieve their business objectives. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need a complete communications ecosystem, and we'll be happy to make you a great TV movie and memorable activations, or something more clever to fit your budget.

Flavie, Junior Copywritter at Kazam!

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